Author Archives: Jesse Goolsby

Author Archives: Jesse Goolsby

Summer Readings

Taking the Metro in everyday has allowed me to crank up my output of reading, and I couldn’t be happier. Here are the books I’ve tackled this summer:TinkersThe Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time IndianGood SoldiersThe Immortal Life of Henrietta LacksWest with the NightBlinkA Visit from the Good Squad Although quite different from one another, my favorites have to be West with the Night and The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, and at the … Continued

“Whole Life” Creative Non-Fiction Accepted at Harpur Palate

My creative non-fiction piece “Whole Life” has been accepted at Harpur Palate. Harpur Palate (out of Binghamton University) holds a special place in my heart because they were my first major publication (“Derrin of the North” won their John Gardner Fiction Prize). I love and appreciate the journal’s work as well as dig their aesthetic: mostly modern, narrtive driven art and prose.