Peter Molin’s Advanced Review of I’d Walk with My Friends If I Could Find Them

The esteemed Peter Molin has crafted a fantastic early review of I’d Walk with My Friends If I Could Find Them at his site Time Now. You can read it HERE. And be sure to check out the rest of the wonderful content on Molin’s site. He continues to be an important and prominent voice in the on-going dialogue concerning war art, film, and literature. Here are the first two sentences from the review:

I’d Walk With My Friends If I Could Find Them, Jesse Goolsby’s soon-to-be-released novel about three US Army male soldiers bound by shared horrific experience in Afghanistan, offers plenty of reasons to be excited about the expanding possibilities of contemporary war fiction. Both in subject matter and manner of narration, it does things no Iraq or Afghanistan war novel has yet done, which makes it fresh and delightful–though also harrowing–while its determination to tell a different story in a different way serves as a subtle critique of war fiction heretofore published.”

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